Skórki DSi/3DS - Własne SFX

TWiLight Menu++ obsługuje niestandardowe pliki dźwiękowe w motywach. Umieść pliki dźwiękowe w podkatalogu sound w folderze motywu, na przykład dla motywu white umieścisz pliki odpowiednio w themes/white/sound/sfx.bin i themes/white/sound/bgm.pcm.raw. Both files are optional, if bmg.pcm.raw is missing, the default music will be used. The same thing would happen with the sound effects if sfx.bin is missing as well.

Te instrukcje zakładają, że devkitPro jest zainstalowany razem z mmutil. Możesz pobrać devkitPro na stronie devkitPro.

Bank Efektów Dźwiękowych #

The sound effect bank (sfx.bin) contains sound effects such as the icon select sound, etc.

Plik Opis
startup.wav Puszczony podczas uruchomienia. Więcej szczegółów można znaleźć w rozdziale Dźwięk startowy
back.wav Powrót
launch.wav Grane podczas uruchamiania gry
select.wav Played when moving the cursor in the per-game settings and select menu
wrong.wav Odtwarzane po dotarciu do końca strony
switch.wav Odtwarzane podczas przełączania stron
stop.wav Odtwarzany w motywie DSi, gdy kursor przestanie się poruszać

All the files listed above are required to build a custom sound effect bank. If you want a sound to be mute, you can use a silent audio file. The .wav format is mandatory and the encoding must be PCM.

This file includes the sounds used in the default DSi and 3DS themes, along with the makefile used to build them into a valid sfx.bin file. Feel free to edit and change the sound files to make a custom sound effect bank.

To build your custom sound effect bank, open your terminal (or command line if you are using Windows), change the current directory (cd) to the folder where Makefile is, and then run the make command. You will get a resulting sfx.bin file that can be copied to the sound subfolder in your theme folder. This file must be under 512000B = 512 kB. Any file larger than that will result in either crashes or some sounds not playing fully.

Dźwięk Startowy #

While the other sound effects will work with any WAV file with PCM encoding, the startup sound must be in a specific format in order to work properly, otherwise there will be a gap between when the startup sound stops and the background music begins.

The startup.wav file must be 16-bit 16 kHz. You can use Audacity for example to convert to this format. Once the file is loaded in Audacity, change the Project Rate (Hz) to 16000, then press Shift+M, and change the Format to 16-bit PCM.

If your file is in Stereo, you should also go to Tracks > Mix > Mix Stereo down to Mono.

You must set PlayStartupJingle=1 in your theme.ini for the startup jingle to play.

Menu BGM needs to be a 16-bit Mono .wav file. Below is the method for converting audio files into that format.

Unlike sfx.bin, bgm.wav can be arbitrarily large.

Please note that if your audio file already comes as a .wav file, you must follow the below method anyways, as TWLMenu++ has specific requirements.

Audacity #

To get started, download the latest version of Audacity.

To convert the audio:

  1. Załaduj plik w Audacity
  2. Jeśli twój plik jest w stereo, kliknij na utwór, a następnie wybierz Tracks > Mix > Mix Stereo down to Mono
  3. Go to Audio Setup > Audio Settings..., and make sure the Project Sample Rate is not set to be above 48000 Hz (which is the limit)

To export in the correct format:

  1. Wybierz File > Eksport > Eksport audio...
  2. Set Save as type to WAV (Microsoft)
  3. Set Encoding to Signed 16-bit PCM
  4. Set the output name to bgm.wav and click Save
  5. Click Clear and then click OK to the metadata editing

Now you have a bgm.wav file that can be copied to the sound subfolder in your theme folder.

You should then set the DSi/3DS Theme Music option in TWiLight Menu++ settings to “Theme” for your custom BGM to play on the menu.