TWiLight Menu++をインストール(マジコン)

インストール #

  1. 最新のTWiLightMenu-Flashcard.7zをダウンロード
  2. Open or extract TWiLightMenu-Flashcard.7z
  3. Drag and drop the _nds folder to your flashcard’s microSD card root
  4. Drag and drop the BOOT.NDS file to your flashcard’s microSD card root
  5. Drag and drop the roms folder to your flashcard’s microSD card root
  6. すでにセーブデータがある場合は、DS ROMの場所にある.savファイルを、同じくDS ROMの場所にあるsavesという新しいフォルダに移動
  7. DS Phat/Lite users: If booting BOOT.NDS causes a white screen lock-up, then follow the below steps for autobooting, and try again

TWiLight Menu++を自動起動する #

  1. Open or extract TWiLightMenu-Flashcard.7z
  2. Open the Autoboot -> (your flashcard) folders
  3. Drag and drop the contents of the folder to the root of the flashcard’s microSD card
    • マジコンが表示されない場合は、スキップしてください
  4. DS Phat/Lite users: Go to settings in the DS menu, and turn on auto-start, so your flashcard will start on boot

To run games using your flashcard firmware (optional) #

Please note:

  • This only works if your flashcard is set to autoboot TWiLight Menu++. 設定方法については、上記の項を参照してください。
  • Not all flashcards support running games in this fashion. 以下の手順がお使いのマジコンに当てはまらない場合は、このセクションを飛ばして構いません。
  • You’ll lose the ability to use cheats when running games in this fashion. If you want to retain cheat functionality, please skip this section.

Running games with your flashcart firmware #

If your flashcart does not have a compatible loader for this section, choose the “YSMenu” tab.

  1. Open or extract TWiLightMenu-Flashcard.7z
  2. Open the Flashcart Loader -> (your flashcard) folders
    • Flashcart Loaderには、どのFlashcart Loaderがお使いのマジコンに適しているかの判断材料となるREADME.txtがあります
  3. Drag and drop the contents of the folder to the root of the flashcard’s microSD card
  4. Open TWLMenu++ Settings, switch to Games and Apps settings page, and set Game Loader to Kernel, so the flashcard firmware will be used instead of nds-bootstrap
    • Alternatively you may do this as a per-game setting by pressing Y on a selected game and changing the Game Loader option there
  1. Please confirm that you have one of the below flashcarts:
    • R4i-SDHC (
    • 2014+ cards (not .hk or
    • R4i SDHC Upgrade Revolution
    • R4DSiXL3D
    • R4i Advance
    • R4-IIIi
    • R4 SDHC Revolution
    • R4(i) Pocket
    • R4i Gold (v1.4.1) (3DS)
    • R4 Gold 3DS RTS (
    • R4xDS
    • DSTT(i)
    • DSONE SDHC & DSONEi(非SDHCモデルは非対応
    • M3 DS Real
    • M3i Zero(GMP-Z003以外のモデル)
    • iTouchDSとiTouch2(M3Real_M3iZero YSMenuファイルを使用)
    • R4(i)RTS( YSMenuファイルを使用)
    • R4 SDHC RTS(黒いカートリッジ)( YSMenuファイルを使用)
  2. Download RetroGameFan’s YSMenu.
  3. Extract it to a folder on your computer. Navigate to the folder required for your flashcart.
  4. Inside the folder, rename TTMenu.dat to YSMenu.nds if a YSMenu.nds file does not already exist
  5. Copy the TTMenu folder and YSMenu.nds file to the root of your MicroSD card. Do not copy TTMenu.dat directly; this will break autobooting and YSMenu’s soft reset
  6. Open TWLMenu++ Settings, switch to Games and Apps settings page, and set Game Loader to Kernel, so the flashcard firmware will be used instead of nds-bootstrap
    • Alternatively you may do this as a per-game setting by pressing Y on a selected game and changing the Game Loader option there