Lista di compatibilità & Consigli di prova
Lista di Compatibilità #
To view tested ROMs, check the compatibility list. If you want to contribute, press View only
and then Request edit access
. Make sure to add entries to the proper sheet according to the tabs on the bottom of the page.
To view ROMs with known issues, check the issues page on Github. If you want to create a new issue, please properly follow the issue template.
Tips For Testing ROMs #
- In general, look through the nds-bootstrap FAQ and glossary to make sure that you understand how to troubleshoot issues
If testing for a specific reported bug #
- Replicate the steps as close as possible
- If there are any differences (such as nds-bootstrap version, system used, or settings changed), make sure to include that in your report
- Feel free to ask the original reporter for more details (such as uploading a save file or any missing information) if possible
- If there is no solution, make sure to update the compatibility list
If a ROM has an issue after updating nds-bootstrap #
- Find which specific version first introduced this issue
- You can downgrade nds-bootstrap by downloading a past release and following the update instructions
- Downgrading to a past release of TWiLight Menu++ might be needed as well
If testing for a ROM that has no known issues or has not been tested before #
- Be thorough with testing the ROM, going through anything that other users might see
- Make sure to add the appropriate information on the compatibility list on the correct sheet
- Also make sure to remove games that have been tested off of the Testing Queue sheet
If testing to update blacklists #
- Change only the blacklisted options, these being: 133 MHz (TWL) CPU Speed, Card Read DMA, and Asynch Card Read
- To enable blacklisted options in the per-game settings, go to
- If there are any issues caused when turning on these settings, please report them on the Github issues page
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